Search FAQ
Frequently Asked Questions
Here you can find the Frequently Asked Questions which will be updated on a regular basis as and when appropriate. Please read through it as it contains important information you need to be aware of along with essential reading such as User Guides and many other cool stuff you may not even be aware of.
    1. How do I begin Downloading?
    2. What is DHT/PEX/LPD and why must I turn it off?
    3. Why did an active torrent suddenly disappear?
    4. How do I resume a broken download or reseed something?

      Open the .torrent file. When your client asks you for a location, choose the location of the existing file(s) and it will resume/reseed the torrent.

    5. Why do my downloads sometimes stall at 99%?
    6. What are these "a piece has failed an hash check" messages?
    7. The torrent is supposed to be 500MB. How come I downloaded 520MB?